Welcome to AAUW Littleton-South Metro!
Our Student Scholarship Fundraiser raised over $4000!
The December White Elephant gift exchange was a great success!

More pictures here:
At the November Branch Meeting, we received a presentation from the Rose Andom Center. Click here to view this presentation.
Littleton-South Metro Branch Conducts a Book Bag Program at the Sheridan Early Childhood Center

Branch member Barb McDaniel (right) gives books purchased from Friends of the Littleton Library and Museum to Book Bag lead, Mary Ann Travis.
SHERIDAN HIGH SCHOOL NEW PRIORITY NEEDS: Sheridan High School priorities are presently winter attire and feminine hygiene products. Donations can be dropped off at Barb McDaniel’s work address 9-5 on weekdays (Mon-Fri), 3898 South Jason Street, Englewood, or left on her front porch anytime. Refer to the latest Roster for Barb’s home address.
If you have items to donate, you may also bring to next branch meeting!
Keep Informed on the Upcoming Election
Checkout our Public Policy Page here for the latest on Election Events and Information
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