The Littleton-South Metro Branch and Sheridan Early Childhood Center (ECC) Program have been working together since 2006 to provide book bags for preschoolers. Children who attend the program are from low-income families that often have limited access to appropriate literature in their homes. This project is an attempt to rotate a library of books through these homes for children and their parents to enjoy together.
The branch provides 10 book bags to 10 classrooms for a total of 100 bags! These book bags foster early reading experiences which is a critical service to the children. Children who have enjoyed books in preschool have an easier time learning to read in school. Children take home the book bags, and someone in their family or home reads to them and keeps track of time spent reading. When the book bags are returned, branch volunteers check in the bags and keep track of total hours of reading by classroom. When a classroom reaches 150 hours of reading there is a classroom party which consists of singing and storytelling, and then each child selects a book to keep. Branch members meet once a week to check the book bags and determine when a party is due.

Littleton-South Metro Branch members working on the Book Bag Program at the Sheridan Early Childhood Center
The Book Bag program at Sheridan Early Childhood Center is up and running for another
year, serving over 100 students. This program is successful due to our branch’s involvement
either through volunteering, donating books or through financial contributions from our budget. Due to the efforts of member Barb McDaniel and the generosity of Bemis Library we have received many Spanish books to add to our collection. Also, an ad placed on NextDoor
brought in several donations of English books from generous neighbors.
This year, we hope to host reading parties in conjunction with monthly classroom parties so
that parents can learn more about our program and every child can take home a book to keep.
If you wish to volunteer or just find out more about the program, please contact Mary Ann Travis.